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The Blackbull Thursday Italian Special

Why not take the family down to The Black Bull today as it is pizza and pasta special... Children get to create their own pizza by topping it themselves before cooking. Book our courtesy bus for a free pickup and drop off on 966842070. You can then take advantage of our cheap drinks without the worry of driving home.

The Blackbull Thursday Italian Special

Why not take the family down to The Black Bull today as it is pizza and pasta special... Children get to create their own pizza by topping it themselves before cooking. Book our courtesy bus for a free pickup and drop off on 966842070. You can then take advantage of our cheap drinks without the worry of driving home.

The Blackbull Thursday Italian Special

Why not take the family down to The Black Bull today as it is pizza and pasta special... Children get to create their own pizza by topping it themselves before cooking. Book our courtesy bus for a free pickup and drop off on 966842070. You can then take advantage of our cheap drinks without the worry of driving home.


Why not take the family down to The Black Bull today as it is pizza and pasta special... Children get to create their own pizza by topping it themselves before cooking. Book our courtesy bus for a free pick-up and drop off on 966842070. You can then take advantage of our cheap drinks without the worry of driving home.

The Blackbull Thursday Italian Special

Why not take the family down to The Black Bull today as it is pizza and pasta special... Children get to create their own pizza by topping it themselves before cooking. Book our courtesy bus for a free pickup and drop off on 966842070. You can then take advantage of our cheap drinks without the worry of driving home.

The Blackbull Thursday Italian Special

Why not take the family down to The Black Bull today as it is pizza and pasta special... Children get to create their own pizza by topping it themselves before cooking. Book our courtesy bus for a free pickup and drop off on 966842070. You can then take advantage of our cheap drinks without the worry of driving home.

The Blackbull Thursday Italian Special

Why not take the family down to The Black Bull today as it is pizza and pasta special... Children get to create their own pizza by topping it themselves before cooking. Book our courtesy bus for a free pickup and drop off on 966842070. You can then take advantage of our cheap drinks without the worry of driving home.


Why not take the family down to The Black Bull today as it is pizza and pasta special... Children get to create their own pizza by topping it themselves before cooking. Book our courtesy bus for a free pickup and drop off on 966842070. You can then take advantage of our cheap drinks without the worry of driving home.


Can anyone give me any advice on what this Island is like, how to get there, what is the cost and how far is it?
Your help is appreciated.



Do you miss UK? If you do what do you miss the most? :)

Hi there
I dont miss the uk because I still live there however as a long time property owner on quesada and a regular and happy visitor I have given much considerstion to making the big move. The problem is Im a christmas freak including the run up to christmas and all that goes with that.

I have spoken to so many expats who although theyre glad they made the move, they all say christmas just feels wrong in spain, its not the same and no matter what lengths you go to you cannot copy an english christmas.

So that puts me off but I would be interested to here readers opinions or experiences with regard to a spanish christmas or trying to replicate an english christmas in spain

Have you cracked it or is it a no no !!

kind regards

Commented we love it here in Quesada 2011-06-28 17:50:27 UTC

We went back to England for Christmas last year - the first time for nine years. Never again! It was of course, lovely to be with the family. But it was snowing, airports were a nightmare and everything so frantic. Here we barbeque a turkey, sit in the sun with a G and T, and spend the time with friends. I admit I am not a Christmas freak...but here it is generally less commercialised and I really don't WANT it to be like an English Christmas. When we first came to Spain you were hard pressed to find a few decorations as the Spanish tend to celebrate Three Kings on 6th January, so Christmas was very low key. Now you can buy absolutely everything here you could buy in the UK, if you really must! I do think people moving to Spain settle far more easily if they don't expect it to be like 'home'. Embrace the difference, learn the language enough to get by...and relax. Bliss!

Commented mail in Quesada 2011-06-28 18:19:48 UTC

We still live in the UK, but have been in Spain at Christmas. I think that you have to book up early at a restaurant etc or else have a lot of friends. I'm not so worried about decorations over there (although I must admit that I love them here!) The weather wasn't great that Christmas, and it did seem a bit flat. Although there are mainly residents on my community, many of them had gone to spend Xmas elsewhere! I think that you need to plan well ahead if you are going to spend Xmas in Spain.

Commented spanglish in Quesada 2011-06-29 06:13:56 UTC

IT IS BLOODY IMPOSSIBLE to find a Christmas tree here! (live one i mean) :DD
Takes ages and endless garden centres to get one..

Commented Anthony in Pilar de la Horadada 2011-06-29 09:17:30 UTC

When I first came to Spain I used to go back to England because like you I love Christmas especially seeing all the Grandchildren. But all has changed, now I love being here at christmas your spoiled for choose and Spain has it right,they celebrate for the corect reasons. England is just rushing around spending loads of money the children telling you what they want probally costing a fortune and christmas day, WHO DO YOU VISIT, as I said christmas in Spain is wonderfull. As for the christmas decorations, there everywhere and the christmas tree´s go to an Auction you´ll pick one up there and trimmings. But if that doesnt convince you, just go back to England for a christmas treat, I´ll give you an asprin when you come back. By the way, I go back at least four times a year, to see my family, but when the flight´s are cheap.

Commented Sandra Bernice Knott in Quesada 2011-06-29 11:39:57 UTC

I've lived here for nearly three years, spent the first Christmas in the UK and swore then, never again. Cold, miserable, dark, queues, queues and even more queues. Last two Christmases here in Spain have been relaxed, bright and sunny having coffee and brandy on the see front Christmas day morning. We did go out for Christmas dinner this last year and it was a bit of a disaster, we'll stick to doing our own in future and probably invite friends round. I miss my family dreadfully, but honestly do not miss the UK. We honestly didn't move here because it was like the UK, we moved here because of the differences. I agree with the comments above, embrace the differences and relax. If you are always comparing, you won't be happy. Maz

Commented Maz in Quesada 2011-06-29 14:36:44 UTC

Hi Everyone
it seems the question of christmas has really caused a buzz on the forum, I hear what everyone is saying and really I absolutley love spain and the culture, I do use the language and love it and im not that bothered about the commercialism as I do celebrate a traditional christmas and all its values but say what you like, there is something about being in front of the fire, all cosy and snug, new jarmies,huge tree, traditional lunch will gazillions of trimmings and all the family coming to me, I love it and really dont think I could swap it, so I might have to live on quesada for 51 weeks and go home for christmas, its not about the uk its about home and beleive it or not I love the dark days before christmas, theyre filled with excitement and anticipation oh and by the way even having just turned 50 I still find it a magical time, happy christmas and to all a good night !! (lol)

Commented we love it here in Quesada 2011-06-29 21:05:23 UTC